A Mother's Spiritual Diary

Spiritual Wedding with Christ

Conchita was the first beneficiary of her heroic act of total belonging and consecration to Christ through a gift of her blood. "It seems to me that with the monogram, the Lord opened a door to lavish on me His graces. From that day on how He pursued me! What attention! What tenderness! What astounding kindness toward a miserable creature such as l! He never left me alone neither by day nor by night, neither when I was praying nor when I was not. He kept telling me: 'I want you to be all mine! You are Mine now but I want you to be even more so Mine!' He said over and over: 'Come. I want to be spiritually married to you. I want to give you My Name and prepare you for great graces'" (Aut. 1, 208).

Monsignor Luis Martinez, Archbishop of Mexico, her last spiritual director, places at this period the singular grace of her spiritual wedding with Christ. Theologians have not ended their discussions on the unpublished case of a woman, wholly bound to conjugal life and mother of a large family, authentically elevated by the Lord to higher mystical states. God is the master of His gifts.
